The Choice

In 1999, Seth Godin published a manifesto although many people didn’t notice. It was called Permission Marketing and it should’ve changed the course of marketing. The premise behind it was simple. Don’t try to sell to people if they don’t want you to sell to them. Wait until they ask you to sell to them before doing …

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The Duration

There is this fantasy that people buy from you within the first couple of days of coming across you. Even the best sales funnels can’t accomplish that. Why is this? For the reasons that we’ve already discussed. Most of the time, your solution is the perfect solution for someone but it arrives at the wrong time. …

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The Cattle Chute

This is a Cattle Chute. Before these types of chutes were invented, Cattle were sent down a long straight line. It stressed the cattle because animals tend to like to go back to where they came from. You can imagine what happens to stressed animals that are used for food. It’s not great. One day …

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The Flawed Funnel

First, a recap of the basic Customer Journey that we discussed: 1. I have no idea what is possible 2. I know what’s possible but I have no idea how to achieve it 3. I know how to achieve it, but something keeps getting in my way 4. I’ve achieved it, but I don’t know …

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The Improvement

Over the years I would often confuse myself about how I could sell to everyone. I had built up audiences (in the general sense) and I wanted to sell $100+ offers to them. So I did what every marketer tells you to do and I pushed them to my mailing list. Because as they say, …

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The Customer Journey

Everything that you learn in this course revolves around the Customer Journey. There are a number of different definitions of the Customer Journey so if you’ve come across it before you might see something different from what you see here. You might also see different stages represented. None of them are right or wrong. It’s just …

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The World, The System

I believe the most successful Creators are World-Builders. They are able to craft a world that their audience wants to be in. That their audience ACTIVELY visits. But what does this mean? When you look at your business it’s easy to separate it into multiple pieces.  When your offers aren’t selling you might look at …

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The Offer, The Outcome

If you feel you have a grasp on who your ideal customer is, then it’s time to think about the thing that they want. That’s what your offer is all about. In the previous lesson, I mentioned that my offer was for Creators who want to enjoy selling as much as they do creating art. …

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The Audience

The most important lesson I can share about brand marketing is this: you definitely, certainly, and sure don’t have enough time and money to build a brand for everyone. You can’t. Don’t try. Be specific. Be very specific. Seth Godin In my opinion, this is the most challenging aspect of building a business. Figuring out …

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Why We Need Better Marketing

Why do we need better marketing? It’s a valid question to ask why do we need a new process for marketing. Everything has been working well so far. Every day new millionaires are created based on the old way of marketing. Am I showing you something new just to be new? Not at all. I …

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