The Customer Journey

Everything that you learn in this course revolves around the Customer Journey.

There are a number of different definitions of the Customer Journey so if you’ve come across it before you might see something different from what you see here. You might also see different stages represented.

None of them are right or wrong. It’s just different interpretations of the same thing.

Here is how I like to break it down:

  1. I have no idea what is possible
  2. I know what’s possible but I have no idea how to achieve it
  3. I know how to achieve it, but something keeps getting in my way
  4. I’ve achieved it, but I don’t know what’s next

This is the simplified version.

Now, everyone in your audience goes through the Customer Journey. The problem is that they don’t go through it at the same time. And that’s why Feel Good Funnels exist as you’ll see in the next lesson.

For now, it’s important to understand this Customer Journey to get an understanding of why so many Creators struggle with their business.

I Have No Idea What Is Possible (Unaware)

I have no idea what is possible. This is the popular content on social media. The aspirational stuff.

Today, I made $2,000 selling knitting supplies without knowing how to knit.

What? That’s possible! I didn’t know. That’s exciting!

I Know What’s Possible, But I Have No Idea How to Achieve It (Problem Aware)

I know what’s possible but I have no idea how to achieve it. Okay, so you can make money selling knitting supplies. That’s amazing. I wonder how you do it?

I Know How to Achieve It, But Something Keeps Getting In My Way (Solution Aware)

I’ve followed all of the steps but for some reason, my stuff isn’t selling. I can’t seem to rank well on Etsy. This is where your offer comes in.

People don’t usually buy unless they are at this stage because they don’t know what the problem is. When they are at this stage, they’ve encountered the problem and are frustrated with everything that they’ve tried to get past it.

It’s just not working.

That’s when you swoop in like a superhero to show them why they aren’t able to achieve the goal and how you’re going to help them do it.

When we start to build out some email sequences you’ll begin to see how you can craft a story around the Customer Journey in a way that makes your audience feel as though you’re holding their hand to the promised land.

A Story Framework

The Customer Journey above is itself a story framework in condensed form. In 1949, Joseph Campbell wrote about the Hero’s Journey. I’m not going to cover all of the steps, but there are 17 of them that can be broken down into three Acts:

  1. Departure: This is understanding what is possible and what paths one can take.
  2. Initiation: The problems that one encounters that one must overcome to continue moving forward.
  3. Return: Now that they’ve found success (through your solution) they are changed for the better.

By integrating the Customer Journey in everything that you do you are constantly telling a story to your audience in which they are the Hero. The more you do this, the more they see you as the Guide that is helping them on their adventure.

The power of this can not be overstated.


  • What is the first opportunity that you can tell your Hero about?
  • What is the path to achieving it?
  • What are the problems they’ll encounter along the way and how can they overcome them?

Next Lesson: The Improvement >>>>>