The Flawed Funnel

First, a recap of the basic Customer Journey that we discussed:

1. I have no idea what is possible

2. I know what’s possible but I have no idea how to achieve it

3. I know how to achieve it, but something keeps getting in my way

4. I’ve achieved it, but I don’t know what’s next

Let’s say you send all of your social media traffic to a sales page. That means that the sales page has to do an excellent job of accounting for the first three phases.

Your hope is that your social media content has done a great job of preparing people for this page but you don’t know if they’re prepared or not. You have no clue. Plus, it can look really bad to people as they believe you’re trying to sell them something right off the bat.

But I love sending people to the sales page. Why?

The first person in my audience that I’m concerned about is the one that has a problem that needs an immediate solution. I never want to keep this person waiting. I don’t want them to jump through hoops of signing up for a newsletter and maybe catching a link to my offer.

Plus, I enjoy making money so depending on the brand I might send them straight to my offer. But then what about the other two phases of the Customer Journey?

Those are also addressed on the sales page.

I show you what is possible and I outline how to achieve it. But that’s just normal copywriting.

However, there is another phase not shown above. Call it phase 2.5. This is where people have begun to try to do something but they haven’t encountered the problem yet. 

They are unaware of the problem but on the way to discovering it.

And this is where I used to get tripped up because I would create an offer that was amazing. To me, it seemed like the most obvious offer in the world and I would show people and they’d tell people that it looked great.

But they wouldn’t buy.

Why not? They hadn’t experienced the problem themselves yet. They could see how valuable the solution was, but without the problem happening to them, they never saw a need for it.

So what do you do with these people? 

Tell Them a Story

Stories are a universal form of communication and the best way to teach someone something. Our parents did it to try and teach us lessons.

Whether we listen or not is a completely different topic. The Bible, Aesop’s Fables, and The Brothers Grimm all try their best to teach us life lessons through stories.

When we haven’t encountered something ourselves, placing ourselves in a story is the next best thing. This might seem odd to you considering you’re running a business. Why would you want to tell a story?

But when is the last time you went to a corporate site and felt like they were speaking to you? A site that made you excited.

Probably never and there is a good reason for that. Corporate sites are made for an imaginary person that believes corporate sites should behave a certain way. Your site is for your audience and your audience only cares about the solution to their problems.

I’m starting to get off track here. Let’s get back to the people that are in the 2.5 phase.

They understand what they need to do to achieve it and they’ve just started the process, but they haven’t hit the problem yet that causes everyone to stall. If I can tell a personal story or a story from one of my clients, then it becomes easier for that person to put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist.

“I can understand why they encountered that problem and it seems like something I might hit one day. How can I avoid it?”

Assuming I haven’t tweaked the funnel for this course, then you might’ve gone through this yourself. If you have an offer, but you haven’t created a funnel, then you probably don’t have the icky feeling that comes with traditional ones.

And for that reason, reading everything on the sales page for Feel Good Funnels can make sense to you, but you might not feel the time is right. That’s okay because I give you the option to read about how Feel Good Funnels work.

This free course is a funnel and it’s not meant to convert everyone. In fact, it’s probably going to chase most people away as they decide that they don’t want to go down that route or they don’t have that problem

And that’s perfect because while you think the purpose of a funnel is to convert, the real purpose is to chase away the people that aren’t the right fit.

If you first went to the page where I build a Feel Good Funnel for you and you had no idea what was going on, you had the option to go through this course and this course ends back on the Feel Good Funnel sales page.

If you make it that far then guess what? You’ll see that page through a new set of eyes and will have more clarity on whether or not it’s for you.

In less than an hour, you’ve gained a new perspective and can see why Feel Good Funnels will help you. In a perfect world, you would buy but even if you don’t I’ve moved you along the Customer Journey MULTIPLE times.

  1. The sales page
  2. The story

This means that every email and social media post you come across from me has a new context attached to it. Over time, with each piece of content that I put out, you begin to sell yourself on the main offer or others.

The only thing left for me to do is remind you that the offers exist. 

I know it’s weird to actively talk about the funnel while you are in the funnel, but that’s because I’m not worried that you’ll hate what’s behind the curtain. It’s a Feel Good Funnel, not a Hide Your Guilt Funnel.

Old vs New

Do you see the differences between this method and the traditional funnel? The traditional funnel does a terrible job of walking people through the Customer Journey and it doesn’t do a great job of giving people an out if they aren’t ready for the offer just yet.

You get your free opt-in and then the sales pitch. If the sales pitch is good it will walk you through the Customer Journey, but if it misses some points what happens?

You either wait for the next sale or you go somewhere else.

Feel Good Funnel continues to pile on value which in turn makes it easier to sell. It eventually gets to a point where a person goes, “Fuck it, I need to buy this right now.”

It’s very similar to a Cattle Chute. What’s that and what does it have to do with your business?

Let’s find out.