I believe the most successful Creators are World-Builders.
They are able to craft a world that their audience wants to be in. That their audience ACTIVELY visits.
But what does this mean? When you look at your business it’s easy to separate it into multiple pieces.
- Social media
- Blog
- Podcast
- Offers
When your offers aren’t selling you might look at your emails and wonder what is wrong. It would make sense because that’s where you do your selling.
So what do you do next? You tweak the emails. If that doesn’t work then what do you do? You go out looking for someone that can help you with the emails because obviously, something is wrong.
But what if the emails are fine? In fact, they are perfect! The problem is the social media posts.
Eh? Why would the social media posts be the problem? Because those are the things that people hit first before they join your mailing list.
Or maybe it’s your opt-in. Or maybe it’s your blog posts.
The point is that your emails would work if the right people were reading them. But you created a very general world so everyone is signing up and now you have poor-performing emails.
As you can imagine, tweaking the emails doesn’t help at all because the people are still the same. This is why World-Building in business is so important.
When you have a world-building mentality you begin to see how everything that you do for your business is connected. There aren’t separate pieces that should be tweaked because they aren’t performing.
Everything works together as a system. If you know about Systems Thinking then you know what I’m talking about.
The main message that I use to sell my offer has to translate all the way up to my social media posts and ALL OF MY CONTENT should do an excellent job of preparing people for my offer.
I’ve had an email list of 19 people before and sold 2 $5,000 services…without sending any emails.
When you build a world and bring the right people to it, magic starts to happen. Everything that you do is world building whether it is intentional or not.
The difficult thing to realize is that not everyone is meant for your world so you shouldn’t try to attract everyone. Growing your mailing list is important but simply growing it to grow it is going to lead to frustration.
When people join my mailing list I want them to already have a sense of the world that I’m building. I want them to understand why it would benefit them to join.
I don’t want to rely on a gimmick to fill my list up with people that only want a freebie. If they aren’t a good fit then why would I want to spend my time trying to convince them?

The Only Goal Is Happy Neighbors
The goal of your world is to build Happy Neighbors. Nobody likes a neighbor that is unhappy.
But this is what you get when you focus on conversions over relationships.
The 19 people that were on my mailing list? Most of them were there because I interacted with them online. The other ones joined probably through a blog post.
Instead of doing an Instagram giveaway where I make people jump through hoops to join my mailing list, I make it a natural progression from wherever they are. Joining my mailing list isn’t a surprise to them.
It’s a choice that they made with the understanding of what I’m about.
How can you feel bad if you’re creating Happy Neighbors? I’m not sure it’s possible.
But it’s also the thing that we fear as Creators. What if someone is unhappy with the thing they bought?
Sure, maybe they are the exception and are a terrible person, but what if they aren’t? Even worse, what about the quiet people that are unhappy but don’t say anything? That’s why everything that you learn in this course revolves around building Happy Neighbors and making sure they understand whether or not the world you’re building is for them.
Next Lesson: The Customer Journey >>>>>